
Articles Posted in Franchise Tax


60th Annual TEI New York Chapter Tax Symposium

Zachary Atkins will be speaking at the 60th Annual TEI New York Chapter Tax Symposium on December 6. Zack is partnering with Stephen Kranz (McDermott Will & Emery LLP) to speak on the topic, “State and Local Non-Income Taxes – What You Need to Know, Including Franchise Taxes, Gross Receipts…


New York Administrative Law Judge Holds ITFA Preempts Taxation of Gross Receipts from ADSL and Fiber Broadband Sales

  An administrative law judge with the New York State Division of Tax Appeals held that the federal Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA) preempted the imposition of New York franchise tax and a metropolitan transportation business tax (MTA) surcharge on gross receipts from sales of asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL)…