SALT partner Aruna Chittiappa will be presenting at TEI’s Midyear Conference on March 17.
2025 ABA-IPT Advanced Property Tax Seminar
Pillsbury SALT partner Breann Robowski will present at the 2025 ABA-IPT Advanced Property Tax Seminar on March 13.
CalTax 99th Annual Meeting
SALT partner Jeffrey Vesely will be presenting at CalTax’s 99th Annual Meeting on March 6.
The 2025 National Multistate Tax Symposium
SALT partner Aruna Chittiappa will present at The National Multistate Tax Symposium on February 6.
California OTA Denies Credit for NYC Business Taxes in Precedential Opinion
In the Appeal of Mather, the California Office of Tax Appeals (OTA) held in a precedential opinion that New York City’s (NYC) Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT) was not a tax “imposed by and paid to another state,” as required to claim the Other State Tax Credit (OSTC), because New York State (NYS) did not require NYC to impose the UBT. The OTA also held that the NYS Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax (MCTMT) met the requirements to claim the OSTC, but that the taxpayers failed to substantiate the amount of their claim.
TEI’s 2024 Ethics Webinar Series
Pillsbury SALT attorneys Robert P. Merten III, Jack Camillo and Nolan Kessler will present at TEI’s second annual webinar series on the topic “Audit Defense and Informal Discovery: Strategies and Knowing When to Push Back.”
COST Pacific Northwest Regional State Tax Seminar
SALT attorneys Zachary Atkins, Evan Hamme, Taylor Wolff and Breanna Zagorski will be presenting at the COST Pacific Northwest Regional State Tax Seminar on December 5.
Welcome to Pillsbury SALT, Cormac!
Pillsbury SALT is excited to welcome Cormac Ryan to the team!
Cormac’s experience includes multistate litigation, planning, audit defense and controversy issues.
He joins Pillsbury’s Sacramento office as a Senior Law Clerk.
6 Questions with Cormac: Continue Reading ›
California Imposes Further Disclosure Requirements for Local Sales Tax Sharing Agreements
On September 28, 2024, California enacted Assembly Bill 2854, which imposes new disclosure requirements on local agencies (i.e., chartered or general law cities and counties) that have entered into local sales tax sharing agreements with retailers. Generally, pursuant to a local sales tax sharing agreement, a retailer will agree to establish a new sales or fulfillment center in a local jurisdiction and source its sales to that local jurisdiction. In exchange, the local jurisdiction will provide the retailer a rebate on the local sales tax revenue generated for the local jurisdiction.
2024 CATA Annual Conference
Pillsbury SALT partner Craig Becker will be presenting at the California Alliance of Taxpayer Advocates 2024 Annual Conference on December 12.