
Articles Posted in Issues


Council on State Taxation’s 2020 State and Local Tax Webinar for Technology Companies

COST’s 2020 conference for technology companies will provide 6 hours of topics which will cover the key state and local tax issues that technology companies (both start-up and established) are facing over the span of 3 days. Partner Carley Roberts will present “Market-Based Sourcing for Tech Companies: Identifying ‘Customers’ and…


D.C. Council Abandons Digital Advertising Sales Tax Proposal

The District of Columbia Council finalized the 2021 fiscal year budget yesterday, which removed the recently enacted digital advertising tax. The Council’s July 28 vote formalized the elimination of a proposed 3% sales tax on gross receipts from traditional and digital advertising services and from the sale of personal information…


California Court of Appeal Concludes Transfer Tax Not Applicable to Purchase of Realty Encumbered by Long-Term Leasehold

In 731 Market Street Owner LLC v. City and County of San Francisco (June 18, 2020), California appellate court affirms that local realty transfer tax does not apply when leasehold has a remaining term of 35 years or more.  SeeSALT authors Craig Becker, Breann Robowski, Richard Nielsen, and Robert Merten…


The Split-Roll Initiative Is Poised to Rock California’s Property Tax System

This November, California voters will decide whether commercial and industrial properties will lose their Proposition 13 protection against property tax reassessment. Authors Craig Becker, Richard Nielsen, and Breann Robowski explain.  Read the full article here.  


California Legislature Passes Governor Newsom’s Proposal to Suspend California Net Operating Loss Deductions and Limit Tax Credits during 2020 – 2022

SeeSALT partners Jeff Vesely, Craig Becker, Carley Roberts and Breann Robowski break down Governor Newsom’s proposed tax legislation, recently passed by the California Legislature, to raise additional income tax revenue to assist in balancing the California budget. (AB 85). The Senate and Assembly each achieved the two-thirds majority vote required for…


Appellate Court Says DREs Are Regarded for Tennessee Excise Tax Purposes When Owned by Noncorporate Parent; in Related News, S Corporations Rejoice

The Tennessee Court of Appeals held that a single member limited liability company (SMLLC) that is disregarded for federal income tax purposes is regarded for Tennessee excise tax purposes unless its single member is classified as a corporation for federal income tax purposes.  The court also held that proceeds from…


Washington Judge Rules In Favor of Financial Institutions – B&O Tax Measure Discriminates Against Out-of-State Banks

Earlier this month, a Washington state trial judge struck down the state’s recently enacted Business & Occupation Tax (“B&O) measure on large out-of-state financial institutions finding that although the tax measure was facially neutral, the purpose and effect of the tax was discriminatory against out-of-state banks.  See Washington Banker’s Ass’n.…


South Carolina Property Tax Law Discriminates Against Railroads in Violation of 4R Act

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that a South Carolina law limiting increases in appraised values of most commercial and industrial real properties to 15% within a five-year period violated the 4R Act because it discriminated against railroad properties.  CSX Transp., Inc. v. S.C. Dep’t of…


California Supermajority Tax Challenge Cases are Onto the Next Level: Last Trial Court Ruling Issued

A San Francisco trial court judge has ruled that Proposition G, a parcel tax to fund educational purposes that passed with a 60.76% vote in 2018, is a valid voter initiative that did not require a two-thirds supermajority vote like local special taxes introduced by mayors or local boards of…


Mississippi Supreme Court Holds Tolling Provision Applies to Department, Not Taxpayers

The Mississippi Supreme Court rejected a taxpayer’s corporate income tax refund claim as untimely, holding that the timely issuance of a notice of examination and commencement of an examination tolled the statute of limitations for the Department of Revenue to make an assessment or effect a refund, but not for…