The California water’s-edge election has proved immensely popular with both foreign and domestic parent corporations potentially engaged in a worldwide unitary business. Many elections are made to reduce or minimize California franchise tax, while others are made to simplify or reduce the compliance burdens under California’s worldwide combined reporting method.…
SeeSALT Blog
California 2004 State and Local Tax: Important Developments
Franchise Income Tax: Apportionment and Allocation of Business and Nonbusiness Income In General Motors Corp. v. Franchise Tax Board, the first of the six “gross receipts” cases in court in California to be decided in the Court of Appeal, the Second Appellate District addressed the issue of what the term…
An Overview of California’s 2004 Tax Amnesty Legislation
Introduction As a result of discussions between Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature as part of the funding of the fiscal 2005 Budget Act, language to implement a tax amnesty program was included in Senate Bill (SB) 1100, which was written by the Senate Budget and Fiscal Committee. Amnesty…
California Enacts New FTB and BOE Penalties Affecting Pending Audits, Protests, Appeals and Settlements
California corporate and individual taxpayers with pending audits, protests, appeals or settlement proceedings with the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), or with comparable proceedings pending with he California State Board of Equalization (BOE) should pay particular attention to new penalties recently enacted by the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as…
California Residency: Intent Not Enough to Change a Taxpayer’s Residence
For the first time in over 20 years, the California Court of Appeal has issued a published decision interpreting the California residency provisions of Revenue and Taxation Code section 17014. In Homer E. Nobel et al. v. Franchise Tax Board, the court addressed whether the taxpayers were residents of California…
California 2003 State and Local Tax: Important Developments
Income and Franchise Taxation: Apportionment/Allocation and Business/NonBusiness Income In Appeal of Polaroid Corp., the State Board of Equalization (SBE) held that proceeds received by the taxpayer from apatent infringement lawsuit were business income and must be included in the (numerator and the denominator of the) sales factor. The SBE also…
California 2002 State and Local Tax: Important Developments
Legislation: Income and Franchise Taxation 2002 Cal Stat. ch. 488 is the major tax bill for the 2002 Legislative Session that responds to California’s $23.6 billion budget gap: (1) it conforms California law to federal law relative to the bad debt reserve of large banks (California had permitted charge-offs to…
California 2001 State and Local Tax: Important Developments
Legislation: Income and Franchise Taxation 2001 Cal. Stat. Ch. 334, amending the taxpayer bill of rights, requires the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), to provide documents given to board members on items on the board’s agenda to interested parties without delay before the board can take final action. Chapter 334 also…
A Status Report on the California FTB’s Proposed Audit Regulation
On September 25, 2000, the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) issued FTB Notice 2000-7, which requested public comment and gave notice of a symposium regarding a new proposed regulation relating to audit procedures. The FTB’s proposal is to add Regulation section 19032, “Audit Procedures,” to Title 18 of the California…
California Assembly Bill Proposes Expanded Sales/Use Tax Nexus Rules Affecting Internet Sellers
Assembly Bill 2412 (Migden and Aroner), now pending in the California Legislature, would drastically expand the California rules for nexus to tax under the California Sales and Use Tax Law. The bill should be of high interest to Internet retailers who do not have a physical presence in California. A.B.…