This week, Governor Newsom vetoed Senate Bill 792 (Glazer), which would have required large online retailers to include with their sales tax returns an additional schedule that reports gross receipts based on the “ship to” or destination location. The bill targeted online retailers with over $50 million in annual sales…
Articles Posted in California
Taxpayer Files Court Action Challenging California’s Proposition 39 (2012) and its Mandatory Single-Sales Factor Apportionment Formula
In One Technologies LLC v. Franchise Tax Board, an out-of-state California corporate taxpayer filed suit in California trial court challenging the state’s mandatory single sales factor apportionment formula on the basis its passage in 2012 via voter initiative Proposition 39 unconstitutionally violated the “single subject rule.” Prior to 2013, most…
CDTFA Proposes Amendments to Regulation 1706 (Drop Shipments) to Clarify that Marketplace Sales Are Generally Not Drop Shipment Transactions
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (Department) has given notice that it proposes to amend California Code of Regulations, title 18, section (Regulation) 1706, Drop Shipments. Regulation 1706, subdivision (c) provides that a drop shipper making a drop shipment must report and pay tax measured by the retail…
California’s Long-Awaited Market-Based Sourcing Regulation Amendments: Why Participate in the Formal Regulatory Process?
Five years and six interested parties meetings later, California is finally ready to proceed with the formal rulemaking process to adopt substantial amendments to its market-based sourcing rules. At the Franchise Tax Board’s September 9, 2021 meeting, FTB staff requested permission and received approval from its three-member Board to commence…
California Lawyers Association’s Taxation Webinar
Pillsbury SALT attorney Jeff Phang will present during CLA’s taxation webinar on September 13. Jeff is partnering with Annie Rothschild (Eversheds Sutherland) to present on the topic, “Recent Developments in California Income Tax Apportionment and Sourcing Law.” For more information and to register, please see the event page.
Only Simple Majority Required (Again!): California Court of Appeal Holds SF’s Proposition G Citizen Initiative Did Not Require Supermajority Voter Approval; Reconsideration Request Pending
California’s Court of Appeal again held that a special tax measure placed on the local ballot as a citizen initiative required only a simple majority, not a supermajority, vote to pass. Proposition G is a school parcel tax initiative that passed on San Francisco’s June 2018 ballot with 60.76% of…
California Court of Appeal Says Tax for “Public Safety Services” and “Other Essential Services” Not a Special Tax
California’s Court of Appeal held a local sales tax ordinance (Measure K) was a general tax, not a special tax, and therefore its adoption did not require a two-thirds vote (supermajority) under California’s Constitution. A tax is “special” and therefore would require a two-thirds vote, when the expenditure of its…
California Lawyers Association’s 2021 Annual Income Tax Seminar
Pillsbury SALT attorneys Robert Merten and Lexi Louderback will present during CLA’s Annual Income Tax Seminar on July 15. Robert and Lexi will present on the topic, “Unraveling Metropoulos and Sourcing Sales of Intangibles under California’s Personal Income Tax Law.” They will discuss California’s personal income tax rules for characterizing…
San Francisco’s New Tax Provisions May Have Unintended Consequences
In a recent Tax Notes State article, Pillsbury lawyers Craig Becker, Breann Robowski, Richard Nielsen and Robert Merten examine San Francisco’s new tax provisions and unintended consequences they may have. Read more here.
Hidden Within The Transparency and Fairness Act of 2017 Was The Little Noticed Exemption from OAL Review of the CDTFA’s Proposed Regulations
Much to the recent surprise of many in the tax community, the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (“CDTFA”) is able to adopt or amend regulations without the normal review process by the Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) under the Administrative Procedures Act (“APA”). SB 86, The Taxpayer Transparency…