
Articles Posted in States


Pillsbury SALT Team Together in California for COST Tech

The Pillsbury SALT team had an incredible time last month at the COST SALT Workshop for Technology Companies in Cupertino, CA.  Carley Roberts, Zachary Atkins, Craig Becker, Evan Hamme, Robert P. Merten III, Jeffrey Vesely, and Aruna Chittiappa were all panelists and presented on various topics at the workshop. The…


Technology Transfer Agreements: Latest Developments in California

In 1993, the California Legislature amended Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) sections 6011 and 6012 to exclude from California sales and use tax amounts charged for intangible personal property transferred with a technology transfer agreement (TTA) if the TTA separately stated a reasonable price for the tangible personal property (TPP). Nine…


Carveouts Count! Taxpayer Wins New Mexico Statutory Carveout Issue Regarding Unity

The New Mexico Court of Appeals has held that a multinational oil and gas production company did not constitute a “unitary corporation” with its foreign subsidiaries, pursuant to statutory carve-out language regarding the term “unitary corporation.” Taxpayer Apache Corporation’s (Taxpayer) foreign subsidiaries issued dividends, generated Subpart F income, or otherwise…


New Jersey Tax Court Approves Use of Market-Based Sourcing for Years Prior to Legislature’s Adoption of Market-Based Sourcing

The New Jersey Tax Court held that a taxpayer was entitled to a refund of corporation business tax (CBT) for tax years 2011 and 2012 after determining the taxpayer correctly used a market-based sourcing methodology to source service receipts to New Jersey.  In its unpublished April 11, 2024, opinion, the…


California’s 2024-2025 Budget Seeks to Block $1.3 Billion of Refunds for Water’s Edge Taxpayers, Suspend NOL Deductions, and Limit Tax Credit Utilization

The May Revision of California’s 2024-2025 state budget seeks to block refund claims, worth approximately $1.3 billion for historical tax years, and $200 million per year going forward, by codifying informal guidance recently rejected by the Office of Tax Appeal’s (OTA) decision in the Matter of the Appeal of Microsoft…


Proposed Initiative to Amend San Francisco Business Taxes

A proposed initiative (available here) is being circulated to place on the November 5, 2024 ballot, an ordinance amending the Business and Tax Regulations Code effective January 1, 2025. The proposal would initially decrease total business taxes by almost $100 million a year making it one of the biggest tax…


New Jersey Issues Guidance on Adoption of Federal Partnership Audit Regime

On April 5, 2024, the New Jersey Division of Taxation issued guidance discussing New Jersey’s adoption of the federal centralized partnership audit regime enacted as part of the federal Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, P.L. 114-74. The guidance was released over a year after the Senate and General Assembly of…


South Carolina Legislature Forces New Standards for Forced Combination on Revenue Department

Under a new bill signed into law on March 11, 2024, the South Carolina Department of Revenue will have to satisfy additional standards before it may force affiliated corporate taxpayers to file a unitary combined return. These new standards, enacted as part of Senate Bill 298, are expected to rein…


Reminder: “Gross” Does Not Mean “Net” – California OTA Holds All Repatriated Dividends Must Be Included in Sales Factor

The California Office of Tax Appeals (OTA), in a decision marked “not precedential” in the Matter of the Appeal of Microsoft Corporation & Subsidiaries, held 100 percent of repatriated dividends under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) must be included in the taxpayer’s sales factor denominator. First, the OTA…