Pillsbury SALT partner Annie Huang will present during COST’s 51st Annual Meeting on October 22. Partnering with Robert Johnson (Crowe), Eran Liron (PwC) and Ruben Sislyan (Greenberg Traurig), Annie will present “Market Sourcing through Alternative Apportionment or Creative Characterizations of Activity,” moderated by Stephanie Do (COST). Few issues have created…
SeeSALT Blog
CalTax’s Splitting the Property Tax Roll Webinar Series
Pillsbury partners Breann Robowski and Craig Becker will present during CalTax’s Splitting the Property Tax Roll webinar series in October. Splitting the Property Tax Roll, a webinar series on the Technical Provisions of Proposition 15, will feature a new episode every Tuesday in October. Breann will present during Episode 1,…
Council on State Taxation’s 2020 Property Tax Webinar
Pillsbury attorneys Craig Becker and Robert Merten III will present during COST’s 2020 Property Tax webinar, held in cooperation with the International Property Tax Institute (IPTI). Craig will present “California – Examining Property Tax Issues in the Golden State” on Wednesday, September 16 at 4:10pm. The presenters will address how…
Cold Class Action: Federal Judge in Alaska Rules State and Local Sales Tax Class Action Survives Motion to Dismiss/Strike
In Alaska, a state and local sales tax class action survived a motion to dismiss and motion to strike class allegations after a federal judge determined the plaintiff’s alleged claims were plausible. In Van v. LLR, INC., d/b/a LuLaRoe et al., the plaintiff—an Alaska resident and customer of the defendant…
Pennsylvania’s Agency Deference Bait and Switch: Synthes USA
This article was originally published by Tax Notes State. The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court released its decision in the much-anticipated Synthes USA HQ Inc. v. Commonwealth case July 24. The case addressed the proper interpretation of Pennsylvania’s sales factor sourcing statute in effect for tax years before 2014, which sourced service…
New York Trial Court Finds State’s Attempt to Tax Storage Services Performed Entirely in New Jersey Arbitrary and Capricious
A New York trial court held that charges for storage services rendered in New Jersey were not subject to New York sales tax despite the fact that the property was originally picked up in New York. Vital Records, Inc. v. New York State Dep’t of Taxation & Finance, No. 900088-19…
Tax Executives Institute New York Chapter State and Local Tax – Summer Update Virtual Meeting
Pillsbury SALT attorneys Marc Simonetti, Carley Roberts and Nicole Boutros will present during TEI NY’s State and Local Tax Summer Update Meeting, sponsored by Pillsbury, on August 26. Counsel Nicole Boutros will present “CARES Act Conformity – NOL and Interest Expense Deduction,” partner Marc Simonetti will present “SALT Controversy Update…
Council on State Taxation’s Pacific Southwest Regional State Tax Webinar
Pillsbury partners Jeff Vesely and Annie Huang will present “Market-Based Sourcing Issues in the Southwestern States with a Focus on California” during COST’s Pacific Southwest Regional State Tax Webinar on August 27. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, COST has transitioned its regional meetings into a virtual webinar series. Presenting an update…
Council on State Taxation’s 2020 State and Local Tax Webinar for Technology Companies
COST’s 2020 conference for technology companies will provide 6 hours of topics which will cover the key state and local tax issues that technology companies (both start-up and established) are facing over the span of 3 days. Partner Carley Roberts will present “Market-Based Sourcing for Tech Companies: Identifying ‘Customers’ and…
California Court of Appeal Concludes That a Trust With a Non-California Trustee May Be Subject to Tax on All of Its Gain from the Sale of Stock
The California Court of Appeal recently came down with a published decision in the Paula Trust case, a case involving the taxation of trusts and limited partners—two very nettlesome issues in California. (Steuer v. Franchise Tax Board, No. A154691, 2020 BL 240383 (Cal. Ct. App. 6/29/20)). The Court of Appeal…