
SeeSALT Blog


California OTA Rejects FTB’s 0.2 Percent Bright-Line Nexus Standard for Out-Of-State Minority Interest LLC Members

The California Office of Tax Appeals (OTA)—in a 3-0 pending precedential opinion granting the Appeal of Jali, LLC—has rejected the Franchise Tax Board’s (FTB) 0.2 percent ownership threshold as the new bright-line standard for determining whether an out-of-state LLC member is actively “doing business” (and thereby required to file and…


California Appellate Court Holds Abercrombie Sought to Create Rather than Eliminate Discriminatory Tax Reporting Treatment

The Fifth Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal has struck another blow to taxpayers claiming California unconstitutionally discriminates against interstate commerce by permitting intrastate unitary businesses to file using either a combined reporting method or separate accounting method, while requiring interstate unitary businesses to file under the combined…


California Prop C Taxpayers Should File Protective Refund Claims

(This article originally was published by Law360 on August 21, 2019.) The repercussions of the California Supreme Court’s August 2017 opinion in California Cannabis Coalition, et al. v. City of Upland, et al.1 continue to reverberate, leading San Francisco’s business taxpayers to wonder what practical precautions to consider. In a February article, we analyzed…


NYS “Service” vs. “Other Business Receipts” Sourcing Decision

The New York State Tax Appeals Tribunal (TAT) issued a decision that addresses sourcing “services” vs. the catch-all “other business receipts” for years prior to New York Tax Reform (tax years beginning prior to 1/1/2015). The TAT found that the taxpayer, who provided electronic litigation support to its clients, was…


Presenting at the COST State and Local Tax Workshop for Technology Companies

After a successful SALT Retreat in Napa, Calif., the team headed to Foster City to present on topics at the COST State and Local Tax Workshop for Technology Companies. Carley Roberts, Craig Becker and Jeffrey Vesely spoke on a variety of topics including an overview of new and established local taxes…


The 5 Supermajority Tax Challenges Facing California

(This article originally was published by Law360 on July 22, 2019.) On July 5, the San Francisco Superior Court issued a pair of rulings in favor of the city and county of San Francisco, finding that two local special taxes introduced by voter initiatives were valid even though they passed…


COST’s Inaugural 2019 State and Local Tax Workshop for Technology Companies

On July 23-24, members of Pillsbury SALT will lead discussions at COST’s much anticipated state and local tax technology workshop in Foster City, Calif. This one-and-a-half day event promises to deliver in-depth state and local tax content tailored to technology businesses—everything from startups to long established companies. The varied presentations…


Gross! Portland, Oregon, Targets Large Retailers with New Gross Receipts Tax

As of January 1, 2019, large retailers doing business in Portland, Ore., are subject to a new 1% gross receipts tax dubbed the “Clean Energy Surcharge.” This new tax is imposed on all businesses subject to the Portland business license tax that have annual retail receipts of over $1 billion…