
SeeSALT Blog


The U.S. Supreme Court Changes Sales and Use Tax Collection Nexus

TAKEAWAYS The Court holds that the South Dakota law satisfies the Commerce Clause “substantial nexus” requirement based on the “economic and virtual contacts” with the State. The Wayfair decision does not prohibit the retroactive application of this new standard for Commerce Clause “substantial nexus.” The decision strikes a blow to the…


Fund Managers Face Tax Hike If California Passes AB 2731

(This article was originally published by Law360.) California’s A.B. 2731 seeks to accomplish what the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act did not, namely, to close the carried interest “loophole.” Currently making its way through state assembly committees, AB 2731 would impose an additional 17 percent tax on interest income derived…


Sales Taxation of Digital Commerce in the United States

On April 13, Pillsbury senior counsel Richard Nielsen presents “Sales Taxation of Digital Commerce in the United States” during the the “Digital Economy in the Crosshairs” panel session at the American Bar Association’s 18th Annual Tax Planning Strategies U.S. and Europe Conference.


Implications of the MTC’s Market-Based Sourcing Model Regulations

(Note this originally appeared in March 26, 2018, edition of State Tax Notes) Nearly every state that imposes a corporate income tax includes a sales factor in its apportionment formula. Generally, the sales factor in computed by comparing a taxpayer’s “in-state” sales to its total sales. Determining in-state sales of…


California’s Clean Energy Equipment Tax Exemption and the Value of Stakeholder Input

In “California Seeks Input on Clean Energy Equipment Tax Exemption,” an article that originally appeared in Law360, Carley Roberts, Robert P. Merten III and Jessica N. Allen summarize the sales and use tax exemption’s scope and qualifying requirements, the 2017 legislative changes to it, the CDTFA’s proposed amendments and why…


Ballot Initiative Seeks to Eliminate Prop 13 for Commercial and Industrial Real Estate

TAKEAWAYS New initiative seeks to eliminate Proposition 13 protection for commercial and industrial property by requiring fair market value reassessments at least every three years Initiative seeks to add a $500,000 tangible personal property tax exemption for all taxpayers and a full exemption for taxpayers with less than 50 California…


Dueling Rent Taxes Come Up before San Francisco Voters in June

TAKEAWAYS It is estimated that about $65 million annually would be collected from the commercial real estate industry under the Housing for All tax. It is estimated that about $150 million annually would be collected from the commercial real estate industry under the Universal Childcare for San Francisco Families tax.…


California Supreme Court Expands the California Real Estate Transfer Tax to Entity Transfers that Cause Property Tax Re-Assessments under Proposition 13

State and local real estate transfer taxes have become larger planning concerns for investors in U.S. real property, particularly in gateway cities like New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. This article by colleagues Craig A. Becker, Richard E. Nielsen, Breann E. Robowski and  Andrew J. Weiner describes a recent expansion…