Articles Tagged with FTB


Legislation: Income and Franchise Taxation
2001 Cal. Stat. Ch. 334, amending the taxpayer bill of rights, requires the Franchise Tax Board (FTB), to provide documents given to board members on items on the board’s agenda to interested parties without delay before the board can take final action. Chapter 334 also provide that the purpose of proceedings between taxpayers and the FTB is to determine the “taxpayer’s correct tax liability,” allowing taxpayers “every opportunity to present all relevant information pertaining to the taxpayer’s liability,” and allowing for the FTB to “inquire into … all relevant information pertaining to the taxpayer’s liability.”

(The remainder of this article can be accessed in the 2002 edition of the ABA’s State and Local Tax Lawyer.)


On September 25, 2000, the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB) issued FTB Notice 2000-7, which requested public comment and gave notice of a symposium regarding a new proposed regulation relating to audit procedures. The FTB’s proposal is to add Regulation section 19032, “Audit Procedures,” to Title 18 of the California Code of Regulations. This article traces the progress of the FTB’s proposed regulation over the course of the past year, and highlights some of the most significant and controversial provisions of the current draft.

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